On March 26, 2024 the NTIA officially accepted the Hawaii Digital Equity Plan. The following copy is the Digital Equity Plan V2 submitted to the NTIA on March 1, 2024. Version 2 of the Hawai‘i Digital Equity Plan incorporates a few minor updates from NTIA’s official “curing” feedback and accepted as the final plan.
The Hawai’i Digital Equity Plan will serve as a roadmap to achieve a baseline of digital equity across the islands over the next five years.
What is Digital Equity?

About the Hawaii‘i Digital Equity Plan
- Once final, the Hawai‘i’s Digital Equity Plan will serve as a roadmap to achieve a baseline of digital equity across the islands over the next five years.
- The plan was developed with the goal of creating conditions in which all individuals and communities have the information technology capacity needed for full participation in our society, democracy, and economy throughout the state of Hawai‘i.

Digital Equity Plan Outreach Summary
- More than 480 participants were reached through 39 focus groups and 59 interviews held on six islands across the pae ʻāina.

- The lack of digital equity has been a pressing community issue in Hawai‘i, separating those in rural communities and from socioeconomically disadvantaged circumstances from the rest of modern society. This inequality creates a “digital divide,” which is especially exacerbated among our most vulnerable and underserved populations. Some examples of inequity that these communities and individuals face are:
- Unreliable or non-existent internet service
- Lack of access to technology – such as laptops and computers
- Lack of digital literacy skills to navigate the internet

How to Say “Digital Equity” in Hawai’i?

Where can I get a copy of this digital equity plan once it’s Where can I get a copy of the Digital Equity Plan once it’s final?
- The Digital Equity Plan will be published HERE once finalized, which will be by the end of 2023. For those who participated in our survey, focus groups or meetings, we will be sure to share a copy with you once the plan is final.
Who do I contact for more information?
- Questions on the plan can be directed to 808-587-9001 or emailed to dbedt.internetforall@hawaii.gov.
In the News
- To view the full Public Comment press release, visit dbedt.hawaii.gov/blog/23-51/
- Maui Now: “State opens public comment period on draft Hawaiʻi Digital Equity Plan.”
- Pacific Business News: “State opens public comment period for Hawaii Digital Equity Plan.”
- Government Technology: “What’s New in Digital Equity: Digital Inclusion Week Is Here.”
- Hawaii Tribune-Herald: “Document details state’s strategy to improve internet accessibility.”
- West Hawaii Today: “State aims to improve internet access.”
- Hawaii Public Radio: “A new blueprint to close Hawaiʻi’s digital divide.”
- KITV4: “Hawaii’s Plan For Digital Equity Open For Public Comment.”
- Maui News: “Public comment session on broadband access to be held on Molokai.”
- Maui Now: “Hawaiʻi Digital Equity Plan public comment session scheduled Friday on Maui.”
- Spectrum News: “Molokai residents invited to comment on the Hawaii Digital Equity Plan.”
- Benton Institute: “Aloha Spirit Inspires Hawai’i Digital Equity Plan.”

- Hawaii Digital Equity Project Tracking Map: Learn what digital equity projects are currently taking place around Hawaiʻi
- HawaiiUTelehealth.org: Free Telehealth services for rural Hawai’i residents
- Skillfinder.librarieshawaii.org: Upskilling workforce and computer skills resources from Hawaiʻi State Libraries
- DigitalReadyHawaii.org: Free basic computer classes and list of resources for those just starting out with computers
- FCC.org/ACP: Website with information and registration for the Affordable Connectivity Program
- invest.hawaii.gov/remote: Resources from the State of Hawaiʻiʻs Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism (DBEDT) for people interested in remote work
- Lanakilapacific.org/kupunatech: Support and classes for kūpuna who want to get started and learn more about computers and the digital world